Virtual home sessions use a HIPPA compliant video conference platform to provide face-to-face screenings, evaluations, and therapy in your home. Virtual home sessions focus on:
- Parent coaching
- Home setup and organization
- Generalizing skills from school/clinic to the home
- Home focused goals
- Continuing current treatment in comfort of your home
Video conferencing sessions are conveniently scheduled around your family’s routine to best support your family in the home environment.
Eyas Landing accepts most insurance plans. Before beginning services, our experienced billing team will run your benefits and provide you with a summary of cost/benefits. Most insurance plans are covering virtual sessions! At this time, we do not accept Medicaid. We DO accept early intervention.
If your child has an evaluation within the last year, an updated evaluation is not needed and services can start immediately. If your child was evaluated over a year ago, one of our skilled therapists can perform a virtual evaluation (as appropriate) before beginning services.
Virtual speech-language-feeding therapy can include fun movement games, table top activities, and pretend play that incorporate your child’s interests (e.g. characters from movies, making designs in different foods, going on “missions” to rescue stuffed animals, dance parties, and more) while working towards meeting their therapy goals. These sessions also include family education, support, and plan development on facilitating a language-rich environment into a daily routine that will benefit everyone!
Speech therapy done virtually can address the same needs as in person. Speech therapy sessions focus on speech, language and feeding development. Areas that can be addressed include:
- Supporting a child to produce target speech sounds (e.g. working on /th/, /s/, or /r/ sounds)
- Saying one sound for another (e.g. kack for tack; guck for duck; keen for clean; bu for bus; no for nose)
- Stuttering– your child has a hard time getting words out (e.g. “I want a……. cookie.”); stretches a sound (e.g. coooooooookie); or repeats part of the word (e.g. co-co-co-cookie)
- Working on how the voice sounds, such as loud vs soft, hoarse vs smooth, high/low pitch versus even pitch
- How a child is understanding what others say, such as following directions
- How a child tells others what they want and need, and for them to be understood by a new person
- Social skills, such as having conversations with their friends and adults
- Use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems, such as Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) or speech-generating devices (SGDs)
- Expanding a child’s current food preferences to explore different types of food
- Supporting a child’s development of oral motor skills through the use of different foods and tools. This is beneficial when transitioning from a bottle and/or sippy cup to an open cup or straw.
Occupational therapy virtual home sessions focus on a child fully participating in their home with a focus on sensory, motor and emotional development. Areas address include:
- Working on calming and regulating strategies throughout the day
- Family routines, such as going for a walk, bike riding, making cookies, or family dinner time
- The child’s routines, such as bathing, sleeping, grooming, and getting dressed by themselves, including buttoning, zippering, and shoe tying
- Potty training
- Social skills – independent and cooperative play skills
- Handwriting and typing
- Memory and Attention Skills
- Vision skills needed for improved reading, concentration and coordination
- Motor planning and following directions
Virtual occupational therapy sessions include movement activities for balance, fun games (such as a board game or a game the child has created), and seated activities that focus on following directions, hand strength and coordination, and paying attention for an extended period. Parent coaching occurs throughout the session to ensure carryover of skills and goals. Virtual OT sessions look similar to in-clinic sessions, and are a seamless transition to supporting the child and family in their home!
Virtual physical therapy can include fun movement games, exercises, and other motor activities that incorporate your child’s interests (e.g. characters from movies, playing card games, going on “missions” to rescue stuffed animals, dance parties, and more) while working toward therapy goals. These sessions can also include family education, support, and plan development on incorporating movement into a daily routine that the whole family can enjoy!
Virtual physical therapy sessions are a great way to work on motor skill development in the home. Areas addressed include:
- Increasing strength and flexibility to ensure the body is using all muscles the proper way
- Working on balance to be able to walk up and down stairs, kick balls, and be safe on surfaces that aren’t even
- Supporting the brain and body to work together for the child to be able to move how they intend, navigate obstacles, and use healthier body movements
- Helping with early childhood conditions like flat head, torticollis and toe walking
- Sports-related skills, such as throwing, catching, kicking, and participation in sports using equipment (e.g. bat, racket, etc)
- Sports-performance drills to ensure athletes are using their body properly to prevent injury and increase performance
Virtual home ABA sessions are a great way to carry over the techniques and skills that children have been working on during their sessions. Areas addressed include:
- In-home and Community Safety
- Caregiver/Parent Training
- Communication skills, including having conversations, expressing wants/needs and likes/dislikes, and effectively using an alternative communication system
- (e.g. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC))
- Play Skills, including with siblings and peers, independent and cooperative play
- Increasing attention and focus, including completing seated work more independently
- Cognitive skills, such as reading and math concepts, and modifying teaching strategies
Early Intervention takes place in your child’s most natural environments, which is the perfect setting for a virtual experience. Early Intervention serves children ages 0-3 with developmental delays and disabilities with services and supports designed to meet each child’s unique needs and goals. Areas addressed include:
- physical (reaching, rolling, crawling, walking, jumping)
- cognitive (thinking, learning, solving problems)
- communication (talking, listening, understanding others perspectives)
- social/emotional (playing, feeling secure, interacting with others)
- self-help (eating, dressing, bathing, sleeping)
Check In: see how the week has gone. This is where the therapist can problem solve any arising concerns the parents are noting with their child, and how they can best support their child through difficulties.
Make a Schedule: with the parents and child for what the session will look like. The schedule will incorporate the child’s goals and also what the child wants to do.
Therapy Activities: The therapist will lead the child through several therapeutic activities based on their goals.
Session Wrap Up: discuss what the child did well, and what goals to keep working on.
Interested in learning more about virtual home therapy sessions? Please submit a request form or call today. A member of our intake team will work with you to check insurance coverage, find the best therapist for your family’s needs and assist in scheduling your first appointment. Call today!