The Merlin Program February Resources

The Merlin Program February Resources


Activity 1: Umbrella and Rain Shape Match

Cut out the raindrops and match them to the corresponding umbrella.

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 2: Weather Bump Games

Print out the worksheets and follow the directions, your child will be adding and subtracting.

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 3: Our Weather Graph

Print out the graph and have your child color in the weather for that day.

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 4: Roll A Cloud +5

Roll a dice and add 5 to the number you get then color in the cloud with the matching number.

Materials: Worksheet


Activity 1: Water Cycle in a Bag

Pour water and blue food coloring into a Ziploc bag. Have a parent assist with measuring!

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 2: Tornado in a Jar

Follow the step-by-step video and learn how rotating air patterns can create a tornado.

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 3: STEM Snow Activity

Read the recipe to make snow at home with the a help of a parent!

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 4: Let’s Make Rain

Fill a cup with water, add a layer of shaving cream, add drops of blue food coloring and wait for rain to fall!

Materials: Worksheet


Activity 1: Daily Weather Journal

Print out the worksheet each day to make a journal and record the weather.

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 2: Write the Room!

Print weather cards, cut, hang them around a room, and build sentences.

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 3: What’s the Weather?

Cut out the pictures on the last page and glue them on their correct page.

Materials: Worksheet

Activity 4: Wintertime Writing Prompt

Have your child write about when they know it’s wintertime.

Materials: Worksheet


Activity 1: Homemade Binoculars

Create a pair of binoculars for cloud watching using empty toilet paper rolls!

Materials: Worksheets

Activity 2: Colorful Rainbow

Print out the rainbow, color, and glue cotton balls on the ends as clouds.

Materials: Worksheets

Activity 3: Play-doh Thunderstorm

Follow the directions to make a thunderstorm using gray, blue, white play-doh and yellow pipecleaners.

Materials: Worksheets

Activity 4: Weather Mobile Craft

Use a small branch and have your child draw different weather symbols to hang them from.

Materials: Worksheets