Our Illness Policies and Procedures

Our Illness Policies and Procedures

As always, your child’s well-being is our highest priority and we take every precaution to ensure the safest therapeutic services. Eyas Landing’s illness policies and procedures are carefully designed and continuously reviewed to keep you informed and to keep your child healthy.

We clean and sanitize our clinic throughout the day, with regularly scheduled deep cleanings of each room. PPE is available for staff and clients, if needed.

If someone at the clinic is diagnosed with a contagious illness, a detailed notification will be sent out to inform all families. Potential illnesses include Conjunctivitis (pink eye), Strep Throat, Chicken Pox, Influenza, COVID-19, Ringworm, and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.

We will ask that you pick up your child immediately if your child:

  • Has a fever of 100.4F or higher.
  • Vomits during the day in combination with other illness symptoms.
  • Is fussy, lethargic or continuously crying for an unusual amount of time or for unexplained reasons.
  • Experiences two diarrhea episodes in one day.
  • Has any contagious drainage or weeping sores, including but not limited to chicken pox, impetigo, pink eye, or other drainage.
  • Has an unknown rash, severe cough, or unexplained pain.
  • Demonstrates excessive biting outside of normal behavior.
  • Has significant respiratory problems.


We take allergies and diet intolerances seriously. Our entire facility is nut-free and our team keeps an up-to-date list of each child’s allergies and food intolerances/restrictions. Feeding and nutrition therapy adhere to these restrictions and Eyas Landing’s feeding team is experienced in providing therapeutic interventions to children with dietary restrictions, feeding tubes, allergies, or food intolerance so that every child can safely participate.


Eyas Landing administrators can administer medications to your child but you will need to grant us permission by completing our medication consent form. Reach out to the Office Manager for a copy of this form. Please note, prescription medication will only be administered with a note signed by the child’s physician, while over-the-counter medication needs a note signed by the child’s parent or guardian.

If you have any questions about our illness policies, please reach out to your child’s providers!